First United Methodist Church

of Waukegan, IL
Online Givingupcoming events

Service Times

Sunday 10am  In-Person and via Zoom

Free Meal

Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm

Sunday School for ages birth thru 12th grade is meeting in-person with safety and social distancing precautions in place.


Worship every Sunday with us in-person or online via Zoom.

Contact our church office at 847-623-2433 or email us at for a link to our online worship service at 10:00am.


Ministry continues and your offering helps support the ministries. 

We ask that you keep our church, our community and our world in prayer. Prayer changes things!

To send a message or prayer request to the church office, please click the button below:


There are plenty of ways you can serve:

  • Volunteer for ministries- free meal, green team, missions, tech desk, prayer shawl, etc.
  • Write cards to senior shut-ins or those in nursing homes.
  • Call a friend just to check on them and ask if you can pray for them.